
Sutton-to-Sandycove Cycleway & East Wall

There is intensive lobbying going on this weekend both for and against the proposed new bridge across the Tolka to carry cyclists (and pedestrians) into the East Wall area on their way to the Samuel Beckett Bridge.

Prospecting for Oil in Dublin Bay?

Only joking…! If you look hard you’ll see a Drilling Rig out in Dublin Bay just off Poolbeg. The appearance of the Rig heralds the start of site investigation works associated with the building of an under-sea tunnel that will carry the water treated by the extension to the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Works. 

Clontarf – proposed new parking scheme on St. Lawrence Rd

I just wanted to inform you that Dublin City Council are proposing permit parking on your road as per the specification below; this matter is on the North Central Area Committee Agenda this week.

If you have any queries or views on this matter, please do let me know.

Kind regards,

Cllr Naoise Ó Muirí

Pay and Display/Permit Parking has been recommended at the following locations subject to the agreement of residents:

1) St. Lawrence Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3:
Permit Parking and double yellow lines on Western Kerb-line:

• On the Western kerb-line, 27 metres of permit parking starting opposite the common boundary of number 68 and 69 Saint Lawrence Road, continuing South to start of entrance to Kilronan Court (5 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 27 metres of permit parking starting 12.5 metres North of the common boundary of number 63 and 64 Saint Lawrence Road, continuing South for 27 metres (5 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 5 metres of permit parking starting at the common boundary of number 62 and 63 Saint Lawrence Road continuing South for 5 metres (1 space approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 17 metres of permit parking starting 4.5 metres South of the common boundary of 61 and 62 Saint Lawrence Road and finishing 4.4 metres South of the common boundary of 59 and 60 Saint Lawrence Road (3 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 7 metres of permit parking starting 5.3 metres South of the boundary of 58 and 59 and finishing 4m South of the boundary of 57 and 58 Saint Lawrence Road (1 space approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 27 metres of permit parking starting 1 metre South of the boundary of 56 and 57 and finishing 2.7m South of the South gable end of 53 Saint Lawrence Road (5 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 18 metres of permit parking starting 5.5 metres South of boundary of 51 and 52 Saint Lawrence Road and finishing 1 metre North of the common boundary of 48 and 49 Saint Lawrence Road (3 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 24 metres of permit parking starting 4.3 metres South of boundary of 48 and 49 Saint Lawrence Road and finishing 2.8 metres South of the common boundary of 45 and 46 Saint Lawrence Road (4 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 71 metres of permit parking starting 1.8 metres North of the boundary of 44 and 45 Saint Lawrence Road and finishing at the South gable end of number 35 Saint Lawrence Road (14 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 25 metres of permit parking starting 5 metres South of the boundary between 34 and 35 and finishing 2.5 metres South of the common boundary of 30 and 31 Saint Lawrence Road (5 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 17 metres of permit parking starting 1.5 metres South of common boundary of 29 and 30 and finishing 1 metre North of the South gable-end of number 27 Saint Lawrence Road (3 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 12 metres of permit parking starting 1 metre South of the North gable-end of number 26 and finishing 1 metre North of common boundary of 25 and 26 Saint Lawrence Road (2 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 5 metres of permit parking starting 4 metres South of common boundary of 25 and 26 and finishing 9 metres South of the common boundary of 25 and 26 Saint Lawrence Road (1 space approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 9.5 metres of permit parking starting 1 metre South of the common boundary of 24 and 25 and finishing 4.5 metres North of the common boundary of 22 and 23 Saint Lawrence Road (2 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 8 metres of permit parking starting 1 metre South of the common boundary of 22 and 23 and finishing 8.8 metres South of the common boundary of 22 and 23 Saint Lawrence Road (1 space approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 2.5 metres of double yellow lines starting 2.5 metres North of common boundary of 20 and 21 and finishing at boundary of 20 and 21 Saint Lawrence Road (2.5 metres of double yellow lines).
• On the Western kerb-line, 24 metres of permit parking starting 4.3 metres South of 20 and 21 and finishing 4.4 metres North of 16 and 17 Saint Lawrence Road (4 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 3.6 metres of double yellow lines starting 3.6 metres North of the common boundary of 15 and 16 and finishing at the common boundary of 15 and 16 Saint Lawrence Road (3.6 metres of double yellow lines).
• On the Western kerb-line, 121 metres of permit parking starting 4.7 metres South of 15 and 16 and finishing at the existing double yellow lines 2.2 metres North of the South gable-end of number 1 Saint Lawrence Road (24 spaces approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 4.5 metres of permit parking starting 0.5 metres South of 1A/Creche and finishing 5.0 metres South of 1A/Creche (1 space approximately).
• On the Western kerb-line, 22 metres of permit parking starting 10 metres South of 1A/Creche and finishing at the existing double yellow lines 32 metres South of 1A/Creche (4 spaces approximately).

Permit Parking and double yellow lines on the Eastern Kerb-line:

• On the Eastern kerb-line, 33 metres of permit parking starting at the common boundary of 66 and 67 and finishing 2.5 metres South of 69 and 70 Saint Lawrence Road (6 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 13 metres of permit parking starting 8.4 metres South of the common boundary of 69 and 70 and finishing 5.0 metres North of the North gable-end of number 72 Saint Lawrence Road (2 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 9 metres of permit parking starting 1 metre South of the North gable-end of number 72 and finishing 10 metres South of the North gable-end of 72 Saint Lawrence Road (1 space approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 48 metres of permit parking starting at the common boundary of 72 and 73 and finishing at the boundary of 79 and 80 Saint Lawrence Road (9 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 75 metres of permit parking starting 5.5 metres South of 79 and 80 and finishing 4 metres South of the common boundary of 87 Saint Lawrence Road and 1-20 Saint Lawrence Court (15 spaces approximately).

• On the Eastern kerb-line, 11 metres of permit parking starting opposite the common boundary of 47 and 48 finishing at the existing double yellow lines 3 metres North of the common boundary of the laneway and Saint Lawrence’s Court (1-20) (2 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 26 metres of permit parking starting 3.6 metres North of the common boundary of 89 and 90 and finishing 2.8 metres South of the common boundary of 92 and 93 Saint Lawrence Road (5 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 19 metres of permit parking starting at the common boundary of 93 and 94 and finishing at 5 metres South of the common boundary of 96 and 97 Saint Lawrence Road (3 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 10.5 metres of permit parking starting 5 metres North of the common boundary of 98 and 99 and finishing at 5.5 metres South of the common boundary of 98 and 99 Saint Lawrence Road (2 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 7 metres of permit parking starting 3 metres North of the common boundary of 99 and 100 and finishing 4.4 metres South of the common boundary of 99 and 100 Saint Lawrence Road (1 space approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 36 metres of permit parking starting 1.5 metres North of the common boundary of 100 and 101 and finishing 5 metres North of 106 and 107 Saint Lawrence Road (7 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 30 metres of permit parking starting 1 metre South of 106 and 107 and finishing 1 metre North of the common boundary of 109 and 110 Saint Lawrence Road (6 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 25 metres of permit parking starting 4 metres South of the common boundary of 109 and 110 and finishing 1 metre North of the common boundary of 113 and 114 Saint Lawrence Road (5 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 43 metres of permit parking starting 4.6 metres South of the common boundary of 113 and 114 and finishing 3 metres South of the common boundary of 119 and 120 Saint Lawrence Road (8 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 140 metres of permit parking starting at the common boundary of 120 and 121 and finishing at the existing double yellow lines 6 metres North of the boundary of number 40 and Carlton House (28 spaces approximately).
• On the Eastern kerb-line, 26 metres of permit parking starting 12 metres South of the common boundary of 40 and Carlton House and finishing at the existing double yellow lines 37.5 metres South of the common boundary of 40/ Carlton House (5 spaces approximately).

Resurfacing of Blackheath Park, Clontarf

DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL – NORTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE 20th September 2010  Q.54     Question in the name of Councillor Naoise O’Muirí “Can the Manager examine the poor road surface at Blackheath Park and undertake        the necessary road repairs/resurfacing works”. Reply: Road Maintenance Services Division had plans to carry out full reconstruction of sections of this […]

Update on Motocross Facility at Alfie Byrne Road

September 2010  Re:       Motorcycle Track Project – Alfie Byrne Road Open space Following presentation of the proposal  to the North Central Area Committee, agreement was reached with Dublin City Motor Cross Club and Motor Cycling Ireland to carry out the construction  of the proposed track at the open space at Alfie Byrne Road. Construction […]

Metered/Permit Parking on Hollybrook Road

Upper end of Hollybrook Road has been problematic from a parking perspective for local residents  since pay-and-display was introduced on the seafront car-park.  It is now proposed to install pay-and-display at this end as well to counter commuter parking; latest indications from City Council are that the ballot will happen in the next 2-3 weeks.