THINK THIS ONE IS A WINNER…! Mount Prospect Lawns 3925 (Note you will need to “Zoom” in to see the parking spaces…)
Parking at Mount Prospect Lawns
Following discussions at April Area Committee Meeting the area traffic engineer Mr Gavin Mc Hugh has redesigned proposed permit parking scheme on Mount Prospect Lawns . Parking is now proposed on the eastern side of the carriageway with double yellow lines adjacent to green space on western side of carriageway. The revised scheme will have […]
Parking for Small Businesses across from St Anthony’s Church?
DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL NORTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE 19th April, 2010 3931 Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O’Muirí That the Manager examine the possibility of introducing a limited permit parking scheme for businesses that have lost parking amenity as a result of implementing metered parking on the seafront car park across from St Anthony’s […]
Lane-sweeping update – Vernon Gardens/Kincora Rd/Conquer Hill
DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL NORTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE 19th April, 2010 3928 Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O’Muirí That the Manager clarify if (a) the following lanes are in charge and (b) if so organise to get them cleaned up and put on a regular sweeping schedule. a. Lane running at the rear of […]