Belmayne Allotments – Result!

(Thanks to Vanessa and all in the Area Office for their perseverance…!)



16th December 2013

 Q.102   Question in the name of Councillor Naoise O’Muirí

“Can the Manager please provide me with an outline of the history behind the new Belmayne  allotments i.e. how they came about etc.”


As a result of an initiative by former  Lord Mayor, Cllr Naoise O’Muirí,  the North Central Area Office looked at the possibility of allotments / community garden facilities on unused DCC lands in the North Central Area.

Following a stakeholders meeting on 16th October 2012 in the Mansion House it was agreed to examine an undeveloped site in Belmayne.

A site meeting took place attended by the former Lord Mayor, Cllr Naoise O’Muirí on 8th November 2012.

A comprehensive feasibility study was undertaken and since the beginning of 2013 the Area Office alongside the Parks Division have carried out significant preparatory works.

Site works are currently ongoing.  Belmayne Allotments are being advertised to perspective allotment holders.

Dave Dinnigan

Area Manager

Contact:           Vanessa Carey, Administrative Officer