Latest on the Taxi rank in Beaumont

Latest on the Taxi rank in Beaumont

Question to the Chief Executive Council Meeting 6th July 2015


In relation to recent media reports concerning the closure of a taxi rank at Beaumont Hospital can the Chief Executive please provide a full background report in relation to Dublin City Council’s position on the matter?


Planning permission is required to provide a taxi rank and service on private property.

In July 2013, a complaint was received concerning noise and disturbance emanating from the taxi rank located close to Montrose Drive and Ardmore Drive at Beaumont Hospital.

On receipt of the complaint, a warning letter pursuant to section 152 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2013 issued to the hospital authorities. In response to the warning letter, the Head of Operations advised that the rank was a temporary use pending receipt of planning permission and provision of the rank at an alternative location within the hospital grounds. Having regard to the need for a taxi rank and service at this hospital, the provision of the rank on a temporary basis was considered a compelling reason not to issue an enforcement notice at that time.

On 17 July 2014, An Bord Pleanála granted planning permission for the realignment of a portion of the hospital ring road. The portion concerned lay to the west of the main hospital block and included the provision of a permanent taxi rank (Planning Register reference 2193/13).

On 23 August 2013, a further planning application was lodged for, inter alia, construction of a new Link corridor from the Acute Psychiatric Unit to the main hospital building, with provision of set down area and turning bay (Planning Register reference 3155/13). On 18 August 2014, An Bord Pleanála granted permission for this proposal, subject to conditions.

Condition 5 of the permission stated:

“The proposed set down area adjacent to the link corridor shall not be used as a Taxi Rank.”

Planning permission has been granted for the provision of a rank at within the hospital grounds and clearly refused by condition at the present location.

A further complaint concerning late night noise and disturbance from the operation of the rank was received in May 2015. An inspection was carried out on the 3rd of June 2015. The inspection revealed that the unauthorised taxi rank remains in place and there were 5 taxis at the rank at the time of inspection.

As almost a year had passed since the grant of permission for a permanent taxi rank within the hospital grounds, a letter issued to the hospital authorities on 8 June 2015 requesting the cessation of the unauthorised taxi rank within 4 weeks. In response, a phone call was received from representatives of the hospital to state that they were considering all their options in this matter. A formal response is awaited.

Contact: Fiacra Worrall, Assistant Enforcement Manager