Night time restrictions on water supply to remain for Sunday 19th December
Dublin City Council wishes to advise customers that overnight restrictions to the City’s water supply will continue in operation this evening from 7.00 pm to 7.00 am on Monday 20th December.
The situation will be reviewed again during the afternoon of Monday 20th December but we want to signal now that it is our intention not to have any cut offs from the 23rd to the 28th December.
Customers should note that it will take time for the water to make its way through the pipe network while the system ‘recharges’.
There is no need for people to fill baths or store large quantities of water – water tanks in every home or business will have sufficient quantity to cover the amount of water needed when water will be restricted.
To view a map of Dublin City Council water systems and areas associated with each system, please click here
Bogus callers may use the current water problems to gain access to houses. If a member of Dublin City Council calls to a property they will always carry and produce identification. If the caller asks you to check the flow of water at the taps, close the door fully while you do so. If you are in any doubt do not allow access.
We would like to remind consumers that we are taking the minimum action required to maintain storage levels as opposed to increasing them. With further freezing weather forecast for the coming weekend and early into next week, we are also conscious of the need to remind consumers to continue to conserve water and not to leave taps running. To assist them, provides very simple steps that people can take at home and at work, to conserve water without adversely impacting on their daily lives.
With the current programme of nightly restrictions, the public’s co-operation in conserving water, and finding and fixing leaks, we are endeavouring to restore normal supply as soon as we can.