There has been quite a bit of concern about this locally so I raised the matter with the Area Manager. The Manager confirmed that a request WAS received but that it was not progressed – see below…
20th September, 2010
4053. Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O’Muirí
That the Manager provide full disclosure of any requests received by Dublin City Council to re-zone the site of the former Artane “School Of Music”.
A submission was received in relation to the Draft Plan for a rezoning of the site to Z4 from Z15. This request was not progressed having regard to the District Centre in close proximity and to the fact that there did not appear to be an alternative site or lands identified for the relocation of existing cultural uses at the site.
The submission no. is 2756. A copy of the submission has been given to the Councillor. The map reference is B23.
Céline Reilly
Area Manager