Met with representatives of Túath Housing in Bunratty today regarding the Thornwood development off Beaumont Road – some notes from the meeting are as follows:
(1) Genesis of the proposal is that the developer Grandbrind Ltd responded to an etenders process initiated by Tuath in Oct/Nov 2015; contracts have been exchanged
(2) Purchase is being funded 30% by DoE (approved 14/03/16) and 70% by the HFA (approved 23/03/16 – 30-year term loan). Dublin City Council not a party to the transaction, but consent/support of DCC Housing dept in relation to housing need was secured as part of the Tuath application to the DoE
(3) Tuath weekly rents in the range €13-€99; average rent is €55
(4) Tuath have a 24/365 repair response service
(5) Tuath have a “Low tolerance to Anti Social Behaviour/urgent response”