Flood Protection in Donnycarney



Following Progress Meeting No.5 held on 13th April 2010 and a technical meeting with the Office of Public works held on 29th April 2010 and subsequent communications and developments this is the latest update:-

(1)     A final preferred scenario with a number of minor local alternatives remains.

(2)     The computer flood model estimates that the current drainage configuration in Clanmoyle Road (with all of the louvres working in the back garden walls) lowers the 100 year (1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP)) flood event in this area by approximately 300mm (1 foot).

(3)     A cost beneficial scenario to alleviate flooding in Clanmoyle Road in the 1% AEP has been developed. This scenario involves a local swale (flood route) in Clanmoyle and temporary storage in the Clontarf Golf Course. This scheme is subject to negotiations with landowners and site investigations to prove its viability.

(Note that the swale will be approximately 3m wide and 0.5m deep and will likely require flood protection works to the DART rail line. Capital cost is of the order of €1.5-€2m and an application is being made to the OPW which should be positively received).

(4)     A Part 8 planning procedure will also be required if this scheme proves viable.

(5)     Further site investigations are required elsewhere in the catchment to see if local schemes for the middle Wad catchment and upper Wad catchment are viable.