PRESS RELEASE – Republican youth group must organize removal of posters – Ó Muirí

Dublin, 18/01/11

A republican youth group will cost Dublin City residents thousands of euros in cleaning costs as a result of posters advertising for members that have been stuck to public utility installations. Fine Gael Councillor and General Election candidate for Dublin North Central Naoise Ó Muirí today (Tuesday) highlighted the fact that the Fianna Éireann Independent Republican Youth Movement has affixed posters to street furniture and poles around the city, without any permission from the owners.

“There are clear protocols in place for advertising public meetings and events” Councillor Ó Muirí explained. “This group is clearly committing a littering offence as Dublin City Council and other public bodies will have to remove these posters at a significant cost, which will ultimately be borne by the citizens of Dublin.

“I note that this youth group is advertising for new members. I suggest that as their first ‘event’, they organize a ‘Clean Up Our Streets’ day where they carefully remove every one of their posters from the fixtures they have soiled. They might be well advised to don appropriate cleaning clothes on the day though, and not their paramilitary garb as advertised”


Adhesive poster on City Council ticket dispenser