Personal Injury Claims against Dublin City Council

This is a topic that I have taken a reasonably regular interest in over the last number of years; my most recent curiousity was in relation to the effect of the down-turn on claims against DCC; as you can see from the information below, the overall value has dropped dramatically…

Question to City Manager               City Council Meeting 04/10/2010


Can the Manager please provide the following info in relation to personal injury claims pursued against Dublin City Council for 2007, 2008, 2009 and the 1st 6 months of 2010:

a.         Total # of claims lodged

b.         Total value of the claims lodged

c.         Total payout on claims

d.         Total # of Court Actions arising.


Details set out below:

Year   Personal Injury Claims Received Value of Claims Cost of Claims Proceedings Issued
2007 477 €16,035,933 €10,152,003 163
2008 475 €15,254,565 €9,857,066 137
2009 475 €13,254,565 €9,130,566 151
*2010 223 €7,187,527 €3,337,530 85
*to end of June