Hats Off To Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club!

Hats off to Commodore Paul Cooper and Co of the Clontarf Yacht & Boat Club for their Annual Blessing of Boats on Sunday the 30th of May.

The sun was splitting the stones, there was a large crowd gathered to watch the boats and listen to the blessing, the cannon was fired and we even had 2 “fly-bys” by that beast of a helicopter Rescue 116 as operated by the Irish Coast Guard.

Cllr Naoise O Muiri with members of An Garda Siochana and the Coast Guard

The Irish Air Corps then landed one of their helicopters in the front yard of the Club and let the kids from the CRC have a good look at it and take some pics – fair play!

The Air Corps looking after the kids from the CRC

A great afternoon was had by all – looking forward to next year’s event already…