Dublin City Council Update
Dublin North Central- Killester
4th May, 2010
Water Pressure Problems Report on Killester- Ó Muirí
Pressures in the general Killester area returned to their pre-January 2010 levels a number of weeks ago. The pressures in networks supplying Abbeyfield, St Brigids, Craigford Ave and Killester Park are being routinely monitored. However, as a result of our recent water difficulties we have an increased level of leakage throughout the city, crews are continuing to carry out investigations to determine where the locations of these are and to repair them, as a result some areas may be experiencing low pressure due to this leakage on local mains.
Residents should continue to report problems to the Water Services Division as they experience them.
Following investigative work carried out in February 2010 a number of items of work were identified, and these are currently being completed by Water Services, Mainlaying Section.
Works completed to date include:
o Cross connection at 205 Killester Avenue, 150mm linking the two 6” mains on either side of the road.
o Cross connection at 160 Killester Avenue, 100mm linking the two 4” mains either side of the road.
o Cross connection at 97 Killester Avenue, 100mm linking the 4” to the 6”.
o Cross connection at 9 Ennel Avenue 100mm linking 4” to 100mm.
o Maintenance work on telemetry instrumentation at valves in Fairview Park.
Works ongoing at present include:
o Ennel Avenue, upsize 4” from St Brendan’s Park junction to the 6” at Moatfield Ave Junction to a 150mm.
o Junction of Harmonstown Road and Lein Road, confirm size of cross connection, if 4” replace with a minimum of 150mm.
o Harmonstown Road between the Lein Road and Lein Park junctions upsize existing 6” main to 225mm minimum.
Works to be completed:
o Cross connection at 60 St Brigid’s Road, 100mm linking two existing 4” mains.
o Cross connection on Brookwood Avenue at Howth Road, 100mm link between 4” mains.
o Cross connection on Malahide Road at Griffith Avenue, 450mm connection between 24” and 18”.
o Junction of Kilester Avenue and Middle third – confirm size of cross connection between 6” and 5”/3”, if 3” replace with 5” equivalent.
o Existing 9” connection off 18” main to Gracefield Road, upsize to 300mm.
o 94 Howth Road, dig to confirm section of 9” main on 12” and if found so upsize to 300mm.
The Mainlaying Section anticipate that all of the above jobs will be complete by the end of May 2010, once this is confirmed a further analysis of the area will be carried out to ascertain their impact, and full reporting will be carried out at that stage.
I am still awaiting a response from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in relation to the long term solution, the construction of a new arterial water main along the coast is now required more than ever, I would hope to have information on this later this month.