Cllr. Naoise Ó Muirí
Dublin City Council- Marino
6th April 2010
Dublin Bus must consult with Dublin City Council on 123 Bus Service – O MUIRÍ
Cllr. Naoise Ó Muirí has today (Tuesday) called on Dublin City Council to cooperate closely with Dublin City Council to fast-track the full restorationof the Marino 123 bus service.
Dublin Bus announced recently on its website that the 123 bus will no longer service Brian Road or Croydon Park Avenue when heading out to Marino from the city centre because of traffic congestion problems, routing instead up Philipsburgh Avenue onto Griffith Avenue.
This was a major problem for our area last year and, having raised the issue numerous times at Area Committee, Dublin Bus re-instated the service after additional road-markings were introduced by DCC.
Marino is one of Dublin’s oldest suburbs and is home to an abundance of elderly citizens who rely daily on the 123 bus service. A unilateral withdrawal of this service again without warning and with little or no consultation with Dublin City Council is unwelcome and unfair. It is even more peculiar that the route has been altered in one direction only i.e. the run into town remains
I am calling on Dublin Bus to re-instate the full service and to engage urgently with Dublin City Council to ensure the congestion problems are finally resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned.