The following is the definition of “Low Rise” as agreed at the the City Council meeting on the draft development plan late last night (following much discussion and work over the last while):
Inner City (roughly between the 2 canals) – 6 storey residential (19metres in height)/7 storey office (28 metres in height); this does not apply to areas already zoned Residential.
Rail Hubs (within 500 metres of a mainline rail station, DART station or Metro North station) – 6 storey residential (19 metres in height)/6 storey office (24 metres)
Outer City (roughly outside the canals) – 4 storey residential (13 metres)/4 storey office (16m).
Not perfect but a pretty good compromise all round I believe. Elements of the above will now be subject to further consultation.
Definitions of mid-rise and high-rise to be ageed tonight – will be the subject of geographical restrictions.
Comments welcome.