Initiation of process approved at Area Committee yesterday…
Ref: RH 4414/2010 Date 24th November 2010
Proposal to initiate the procedure for the taking in charge of Vernon Wood, Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3
A request was received from the owners/occupiers to initiate procedures for the taking in charge of the above estate. It is intended that the roads and footpaths in the estate, as indicated on the attached Drawing No R.M.25740 be taken in charge.
The Planning Department by order G12987 recommends that the formal procedure be initiated to have the development known as Vernon Wood, Vernon Avenue, Dublin 3 taken in charge by Dublin City Council.
It is recommended that the North Central Area Committee now agree to the initiation of procedure under Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993 as set out in Subsections 4 and 5 of Section 180 Planning and Development Act 2000 to declare the roads and footpaths indicated on Drawing R.M. 25740 to be public roads and footpaths in order that the process can be recommended to the City Council.
Celine Reilly
Executive Manager.