Waste Management

PRESS RELEASE – FG candidate outlines Gormley’s true reason for clinging onto power

Wednesday, January 12th 2011 FG candidate outlines Gormley’s true reason for clinging onto power Green Party Leader has buried extra waste charges for Dublin City residents in new Bill, says Ó Muirí Fine Gael Councillor and General Election candidate for Dublin North Central Naoise Ó Muirí today revealed the Green Party Leader’s real motivation behind […]

Northside Christmas Tree Recycling

(that time has come – sad, but true…!) Christmas trees will be accepted by DCC free of charge at the following locations from 2nd January to 20th January 2011: Car park on Clontarf Road near Alfie Byrne Road junction – beside the former Traffic School Albert College Car Park, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 Oscar Traynor Road Bring Centre, […]

Update On Household Waste Collection

City Council is resuming all waste collections as of today with the black bins being collected on the Northside this week. Note that up to two extra bags will be collected from each household with each bin provided that they are presented properly – see: http://www.dublincity.ie/WaterWasteEnvironment/Waste/Pages/BinsWasteRecycling.aspx


Cllr Naoise Ó Muirí – chairperson, Dublin City Council Environment and Engineering Strategic Policy Committee Friday 12/11/10 Cllr Naoise Ó Muirí, Fine Gael, has called on the Department of the Environment to cover the €20m cost of Dublin City Council landfill operations for 2012. ” As the dogs on the street know by now, Dublin […]

SPC Submission on draft Statement of Waste Policy

The Department of Environment is currently engaged in a public consultation on a Draft Statement of Waste Policy – I understand that the closing date is 1st October 2010. A sub-committee of the City Council Environment and Engineering Strategic Policy Committee formulated a submission on the Statement – see a copy below: SPC_submission_waste_policy_290910

Donnycarney – Clanawley Road Update

On foot of a request from local residents… Question to City Manager             City Council Meeting 06/09/2010  Q128.            COUNCILLOR NAOISE O’MUIRI Can the Manager please organise for weedkiller to be applied to the road and paths at Clanawley Road as there is a major problem with weeds there? CITY MANAGER’S REPLY: Waste Management Services cleaned […]

Bin Replacement on Griffith Avenue

Question to City Manager             City Council Meeting 06/09/2010  Q129.            COUNCILLOR NAOISE O’MUIRI  Can the Manager please organize to have a litter-bin placed near the bus-stop on the southern side of Griffith Avenue across the road from the entrance to the Charlemont Estate?  CITY MANAGER’S REPLY: Waste Management Services installed a litterbin at this location […]

Search Party Required for Gormley Advisor – Ó Muirí

Cllr. Naoise Ó Muirí Chairperson, Environment and Engineering Strategic Policy Committee Dublin City Council Search Party Required for Gormley Advisor – Ó Muirí Fine Gael Cllr. Naoise Ó Muirí has today (Wednesday) called on the Minister of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, John Gormley TD to send out a search- and -rescue party to urgently […]

Search and Rescue Party Needed for Gormley’s Agent

Fine Gael Cllr. Naoise Ó Muirí has today (Thursday) called on the Minister of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, John Gormley TD to send out a search-and-rescue party to locate a ministerial appointee who was charged with carrying out an independent report in relation to the Poolbeg waste-to-energy facility. On the 5th of March this […]