
Sarkozy & Company

Are they trying to have it every way? (from today…) French brochure claims tax rate of 8.2pc Monday, March 21 08:28:47 The French Agency for International Investment cites an effective tax rate of 8.2pc in advertising literature aimed at attracting foreign business to the country , the Irish Times reveals this morning. Its claim […]

John Bruton On The Button (Again)

Said it here previously – where was the ECB when we were over-heating: Even more importantly – what will the ECB do now to accomodate Ireland’s policy requirements ; or will that institution just dance to the tune piped by the major European powers?

Senior Bonds Covered By The State Guarantee

Just issued by the Central Bank today – approx €21bn in total: Feels relatively small in the overall context…

The Danes do it a different way…

Amagerbanken Senior Bondholders to Suffer Losses By John Glover – Feb 7, 2011 5:27 PM GMT Amagerbanken A/S, the insolvent Danish lender seized by the government, is the first European bank to be rescued under new regulations designed to ensure senior bondholders suffer losses in a bailout.

ECB Opinion on Stabilisation Legislation

Trichet and Co of ECB fame have issued a legal opinion on the proposed stabilisation legislation: en_con_2010_92_f Trichet and Co are unhappy; they have not been given enough time for this consultation etc etc etc How about some consultation with Ireland Inc on your monetary policy Mr Trichet?

Don’t Do It – Breaking Up the Euro

Good piece in this week’s Economist RE the major downsides (including the practical ones) of breaking up the Euro – worth a read:

John Waters on Enda

Enda Kenny could be best taoiseach for decades Irish Times, 10/12/10 Utilisation of FG’s youth talent could signal the end of power-hogging by nation’s elder lemons, writes JOHN WATERS  IT IS clear that in the coming election campaign no radical proposals will be on the table. There is no stomach in the Irish political system […]